The right platform for any use case:
We provide an open and free, white-label solution that is adaptable and highly secure.
- Instant
- No fraud
- Privacy by design
- Auditable
- Data minimization
The easy way to paying
with Taler
To pay with Taler, customers install an electronic wallet on their device. Before the first payment, the desired currency must be added to the wallet's balance by some other means of payment.
Once the wallet is charged, payments on websites take only one click, are never falsely rejected by fraud detection and do not pose any risk of phishing or identity theft.
Try our interactive demo!
Receiving payments
with Taler
To receive Taler payments, a merchant needs a bank account in the desired currency. We provide supporting software in various programming languages to make the integration painless. The merchant's backend for Taler transaction processing can run on the merchant's premises or be hosted by a third party.
Merchant integration is simple, and customers can pay for products without even having to register an account.
See how merchant integration works
Protect the privacy
of buyers
Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or private data.
- Based on Free Software and a free protocol
- Works with blind signatures

What makes Taler unique?

Taler uses a digital wallet storing coins and payment service providers with settlement accounts in existing currencies.

Payments are cryptographically secured and are confirmed within milliseconds with extremely low transaction costs.

By design Taler does not suffer from many classes of security problems such as phishing or counterfeiting.

Our solutions enable new online business models based on micro transactions because of efficient algorithms and minimization of data.

When using Taler, merchant's revenue is transparent for tax collection authorities. Unlike cash and most digital currencies.

When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed. However, you obtain a legally valid proof of payment.

Taler provides protocols and reference implementations that in principle enable anybody to run their own payment system.

Taler wallets instantly confirm successful payments and immediately provide customers with receipts as proof of purchase.
What citizens are saying
“If there will be a digital Euro .. I want it based on GNU Open Source ... go @taler”
“The program works perfectly for us blind people; absolutely no accessibility issues, and I'm counting everything here.”

Tyler Zahnke“In my opinion, for those of us who aren't anti-government, Taler represents an ethical future of digital spending."

helen__keller“It does make me feel good to see a GNU project like this out there - at the core of the free world IMO, the bits of glue which get our society running, it should really be all open-source and open licenses.”
“Wird das Konzept von GNU-Taler 1:1 Umgesetzt bedeutet das anonymes zahlen und sehr geringe Währungsschwankungen da es an die lokale Währung angebunden ist.”

Quote on“Taler seems to be great for privacy and society (ensuring income is taxable). Governments can't see how you spend your money, but they can see who receives payments. Bitcoin and others will never succeed because they are too friendly towards illicit behaviour. Taler seems to strike a genuinely interesting and ethical balance here.”
“This is the most political open source project I've seen in a while. I love the idea that it's designed to sit inside a progressive society where we all agree we have a social contract to the state. That is very different to a lot of similar efforts, and at the very least it's an important part of the discussion."
“Die SNB plant keinen e-Franken/CBDC, aber ein System basierend auf der Technik von Taler überzeugt durchaus”

Thomas Moser, Schweizer Nationalbank SNB“Man kann ein Bezahlsystem bauen, das die Privatsphäre des Käufers schützt, aber auf Händlerseite Betrug verhindert, und das sich für Spekulationen nicht eignet.”

Felix von Leitner“E-Franken auf Open-Source-Basis? @taler klingt für mich sympathisch. #eCash #Digitalisierung”

Thomas Elminger“Anonymität wie beim Bargeld. [...] Das Entscheidende ist nun, dass durch kryptografische Protokolle (DigiCash) sichergestellt wird, dass die Bank nicht wissen kann wofür und ob du deinen Taler ausgegeben hast. Dadurch wird deine Privatsphäre gegenüber der Bank oder Zwischenhändlern wie Google, Apple, Visa, Mastercard etc. gewahrt.”

Quote on“Das [...] dargelegte Modell eines digitalen Zentralbankgeldes für jedermann scheint mir das interessanteste bisher vorgelegte Rezept. Näher zum physischen Bargeld kommt man kaum noch.”

Urs Birchler"Ihr großer Dienst an der Gesellschaft besteht darin, dass sie zeigen, was in Sachen Anonymität von Zahlungen und gleichzeitiger Sicherung gegen Geldwäsche möglich ist, wenn man nur will. "

Norbert Häring
norberthaering.deMaking cash digital and
Our vision is to establish a new payment standard with built-in security, privacy and data minimization by design.
- Enable new online business models based on micro transactions.
- Foster informational self-determination in e-commerce and m-commerce.
- Establish efficient payment standard with security, privacy, and data minimization by design.